Bostitch PaperPro 1996 Easy to Use Stapler Remover


SKU: STA 101I Category:
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Same Product, New Brand!

To our valued customers and brand advocates—we have an exciting announcement to make! We’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be joining forces with our sister company, Bostitch® Office Products to bring you your favorite PaperPro® products moving forward.





Same Product, New Brand!

To our valued customers and brand advocates—we have an exciting announcement to make! We're thrilled to announce that we'll be joining forces with our sister company, Bostitch® Office Products to bring you your favorite PaperPro® products moving forward.

What Does That Mean for Me?

Whether you're a fan of our patented one-finger™ staplers or our reduced-effort hole punches, never fear—your favorite products aren't going away, they're simply getting a new brand! All of our products are going to maintain the same design and technology, they'll just be getting the Bostitch logo and a new packaging look. Plus, all of our model numbers are staying exactly the same. So, whether you're searching online or in-store, you'll be able to get the exact same product you've always loved. Already own a PaperPro® product? Never fear—your warranty will carry over with the brand change!


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Bostitch PaperPro 1996 Easy to Use Stapler Remover